Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tomorrow the nurse comes to help with Jack. It's
orientation for her and a test for me. I've done this for 18 months
without her and it will be hard to let someone else help. I'm
so used to doing it all.
Yesterday the supervisor came to set up the time and
informed me of what the nurse can do. Here's what I can remember:
Wash his clothes
Clean out his feeding bag
Wash his dishes
Clean his room
Do therapy with him
Put him in his stander
Take him for a walk
Go to appointments with us
Watch him while I run errands
Go with us while I run errands
So tomorrow she will be here from 12:00 to 4:00. I
guess I will just have to wait and see how this will turn out. I'll
take a deep breath and let her do a few things. A little at a time.
Maybe then I'll be more comfortable with help.