Monday, October 28, 2013

Memory Monday (Today's Visit) 12/29/10 - 25

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today was my appointment with the high risk doctor.  I had to go through all of my history (again) and this time I did much better.  He remembered our case also.  He assured me that a prolapsed cord is very rare but he knew that I would be thinking about it this entire pregnancy.  Well of course I would.  

Since the baby was trying to hide when the doctor was checking the heartbeat he decided to do an ultrasound.  He also wanted to check the baby's size.  I got to see the little legs kicking and moving all around.  The baby measured 11 weeks 4 days.  Seeing as I'm 11/5 it's the perfect size.  Here's the pic that we got today.
The head is on the left and body on the right.

Even though they are not going to put me on any medication for my high blood pressure they want to keep monitoring me.  I'll be seen once a month and also have a growth scan.  Just to make sure the baby is developing normally.  
I got to meet the high risk OB.  She was very nice and said that she would work with me.  Good news for me to hear.  I'm going to continue to see her or at least try.  It's always difficult to keep the same doctor in a military hospital.   

Tomorrow I will have the other ultrasound and post pictures when I have them.

Jack is doing well.  He is really enjoying his nurse (as long as she's not making him work).  He hasn't had many appointments the past few weeks because of the holidays.  Next month picks back up.  

His seizures haven't changed much but are shorter in duration.  He goes back to see the doctor in Houston January 10th for the ketogenic diet.  I'm curious to see if they will change anything. 

He has been smiling more lately.  I don't know if they are spasms or he is doing it on purpose.  Either way they are the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

A cute one of J sleeping.
His big brothers are here this week for Christmas so he is enjoying that.  Here are a few pictures that I took of them opening their presents.

Love this, Bailey and Gavin checking out Jack.
Helping Gavin open his present.
He loves his lights.

Posted by Tracy at 2:02 PM 4 comments

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