Monday, November 25, 2013

Memory Monday (Spontaneously opened up) 1/24/11 - 34

Monday, January 24, 2011

That's what happened to Jack's cyst today.  His nurse was putting coconut oil on it because the skin was really dry and it opened up.  She said that some green guke came out and then blood.  It then turned more purple and looked really bad.

When we got to Dr. Easter's office he was concerned about it.  He had another doc in his office look at it.  He made the decision to start antibiotics and do warm compresses.  He also sent us to dermatology so they could take a look at it.  They opened it up again since it had closed from this morning.  They got a little puss to culture.  A lot of blood and a very unhappy baby.  But he wasn't unhappy because they were messing with him it was just his time to throw a fit.  Other than that he did really well for them.  He is definitely a trooper.

Our day doesn't end here.  The dermaologist wanted us to see opthamology because it was so close to his eye.  They again looked and poked at him.  More blood and a squirmy baby.  They checked the white part of his eye and everything looked good.   After seven doctors and a lot of debating on what to do here is the conclusion.

We will start the antibiotic and go back tomorrow and they will open it up to drain it.  Since he cannot stay still he will be put under.  Unless, by some chance the meds kick in and it starts to clear up.  So we leave and John goes to pick up the med at BAMC.  When he is leaving he calls me to let me know that they do not have the tablets but gave him a suspension instead.  He told them that he was on the keto diet but they did NOT understand.  They told him to give him more water so it would dilute the sugar.  NOT how the diet works. 

I went into a panic.  I emailed my yahoo groups for their opinion and start looking up the amount of carbs on the internet.  3 grams of sucrose per 5 ml.  He would 5 ml 3 times a day.  His meds are supposed to stay under 500 mg of carbs a day.  9 grams would put him WAY over.  To make a long story short.  We are not giving it to him.  We made the decision to go ahead and have it drained and we will get the tablets tomorrow. 

Jack was having a tough time this evening.  He was having a lot of seizures and crying so I gave him some Tylenol and now he is resting comfortably.  I think his eyebrow may have been sore.  This is what it looks like after all the prodding today.


Posted by Tracy at 8:29 PM 3 comments

Labels: Ketogenic

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